Now Join in.

Cooperation strengthens diversity. Create a free entry here if you would like to offer or seek help.

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Enter care assistant

Create an entry and show your
Advice centre, care service, everyday support, care living and/or holiday assistance for people in need of care in the queer care community.

Create entry

Submit a request for help

Create a request for help yourself and search here specifically for reliable and queer-sensitive care support locally and within the LGBTIQ+ community that will support you.
Make a recommendation

Recommend care aid

Would you like to recommend a trans-friendly care programme? We appreciate your support for the LGBTIQ+ community, because we depend on your tips and advice.
QueerPflege-LSBTIQ-Pflege Eine Menschenmenge bei einer Parade mit einer Person, die ein Schild mit der Aufschrift „Vielfalt leben, Vielfalt pflegen“ hochhält.
Support in daily work

Personal commitment

Would you also like to stand up for the interests of queer people who need care or work in care? Then get in touch with us and come on board 🙂

QueerPflege-LSBTIQ-Pflege Eine verschwommene Farbverlaufskugel wechselt von Blau zu Rosa und Orange und erzeugt so einen weichen, leuchtenden und abstrakten Hintergrund – eine Atmosphäre, die die integrative Essenz der queersensiblen Pflege für LGBTQ+ Senioren widerspiegelt.
Support with founding an association

Foundation of the association e.V.

Help us to establish the
Queer Pflege e.V. so that we can continue to advance and promote LGBTIQ+ care. If you are interested in becoming a member of the association, please contact us here.
QueerPflege-LSBTIQ-Pflege In der Mitte befindet sich ein weißes Pluszeichen auf einem farbenfrohen, blumenförmigen Hintergrund mit Blütenblättern in verschiedenen Pastellfarben vor einem Hintergrund mit Farbverlauf von Rosa nach Blau.
Support with financial resources


Support our work and projects with financial contributions. In this way, we can contribute to improving the queer care situation and achieve an expansion of LGBTIQ+-sensitive care services.
All care aids and requests for help search.

Here you will find all care aids known to us, Support services and counselling centres that can cross-sensitive Care can help.

We are a voluntary project

Our work is voluntary and we would like to play our part in strengthening the queer care network. We are happy about any support 🙂