Care living

AWO retirement home Neu-Ulm

A warm welcome
QueerPflege-LSBTIQ-Pflege Ein weißes Pluszeichen in der Mitte auf einer mehrfarbigen, blumenähnlichen Form vor einem Hintergrund mit Farbverlauf von Hellblau nach Rosa.
A warm welcome

Get to know us know

The AWO senior citizens' centre in Neu-Ulm combines many services under one roof. These include a senior citizens' advice centre, an outpatient care service, intermittent short-term care and, above all, a modern retirement home.

If you are looking for a retirement home where your wishes are taken into account and you can live according to your own ideas, then the AWO senior citizens' centre in Neu-Ulm is the right place for you. That's why it has been so popular for many years. With Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO), Bezirksverband Schwaben e.V., you also have a renowned organisation at your side that successfully runs 25 homes.

Our reference to LGBTIQ+

Between January 2019 and February 2021, this facility was part of the pilot project "Queer in old age - opening up elderly care facilities for the LGBTIQ* target group" led by the Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e.V. and implemented together with six AWO pilot locations across Germany and funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. Two outpatient and four fully inpatient AWO elderly care facilities took part as model locations. From the outset, the pilot project was supported by an advisory project committee, which also included various nationwide self-representation organisations of the queer communities, such as the Bundesinteressenvertretung schwuler Senioren e.V., the umbrella organisation Lesben und Alter e.V., the Federal Association of Intersexual People, the Federal Association of Trans* e.V. BiNe - Bisexual Network e.V. As part of the project, further training and practical support was offered to staff at the model locations.
Federal state:

Queer care quality check

To your Needs tailored

Single room


2-bed room


Own furnishings


Kitchen/cooking facilities


Animal husbandry


Air conditioning




Green space


Meeting rooms
Interest groups


Our heart beats especially for:

Specialised knowledge for these clinical pictures:

We speak these Languages
Our Experience - your trust
We have years of experience.
Also on the Weekend there
Yes, we are also there at the weekend.
Contact person



Eckstraße 1, 89231 Neu-Ulm, Germany



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AWO retirement home Neu-Ulm

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