The AWO Bundesverband e.V. is running a new nationwide pilot project until the end of 2020 to open up AWO care facilities for the elderly to the LGBTI target group.
The Lebensort Vielfalt® seal of quality is an award given to inpatient care facilities and outpatient care services that create the conditions to integrate sexual and gender minorities.
Munich City Council has decided that a concept should be developed to open up full inpatient long-term care to the target group of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people (LGBT*).
The initiative aims to help ensure that care facilities offer older homosexuals an environment that is free from discrimination and enables them to lead as independent a life as possible, even if they require care.
The Bundesinteressenvertretung schwuler Senioren e.V. (BISS for short) is a nationwide professional association for the interests and self-help of older gay men. They network gay senior citizens' groups and gay self-help organisations.
The Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany (LSVD) is a civil rights organisation and represents the interests and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people (LGBTIQ*).
The Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany (LSVD) is a civil rights organisation and represents the interests and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people (LGBTIQ*).
All information about HIV, AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Many free materials and counselling services
The Bundesverband Trans* e.V. is committed to the rights of trans* people.
BiNe - Bisexuelles Netzwerk e.V. is a non-profit organisation of bisexual people in the German-speaking world.
The umbrella organisation represents the interests of lesbians in old age; in public, vis-à-vis institutions and authorities.
Knowledge, counselling, self-help and rights for intersex people, their families and relatives as well as their wider environment.
A platform for carers to find out about new employers in order to find the perfect job for themselves or to rate their current employer in order to share their own experiences.
Over 500 courses in the course library The learning world of Pflegecampus offers unlimited access to expert knowledge from the top speakers in nursing and medicine in over 500 training courses, including mandatory instructions with more than 2,500 learning units and 1,900 knowledge tests.
Hier werden Pflegethemen leicht verständlich erklärt und aktuelle Entwicklungen im Gesundheitswesen besprochen. Es lohnt sich, in den Podcast reinzuhören! Und eine ganz persönliche Anmerkung, Didar und Jens sind außerdem super sympathisch und haben das Herz am rechten Fleck. Deshalb lohnt es sich umso mehr reinzuhören 🙂
As a charitable foundation, we support everyone who is committed to helping people in need of care - in the family, in practice, in politics and in science.
The information platform for all aspects of dementia. The website is operated by the Federal Ministry (BMFSFJ) and offers information and practical tips for relatives of people with dementia.
Help, guidance and information can be found here. This service is provided by compass private care counselling.
The BMH's "Archive of Other Memories" project aims to research and document the lives of LGBTIQ+ people and make them accessible to the public.
The Loneliness Competence Network (KNE) addresses the causes and consequences of loneliness - is the address directory for HIV/Aids and sexual health. Here you can find addresses of AIDS service organisations, checkpoints and other counselling, testing and self-help centres.
How do I want to grow old? Care facilities will have residents with HIV status in the future - what should carers know about the disease? POSITIV ALTERN provides answers.
The BMH's "Archive of Other Memories" project aims to research and document the lives of LGBTIQ* people and make them accessible to the public.
QUEERHOME* is the first housing advice centre in Germany for LGBTIQ+ based in Berlin.