Co-operations and press

For us, the focus is on close dialogue and a sustainable network of queer and straight allies' support services, through which we can grow together.

Queer Pflege | Fachstelle LSBTI*, Altern & Pflege

Strong together Gay counselling Berlin

In close cooperation with Schwulenberatung Berlin, we offer specialised care advice once a month at Queer-Pflege. The LGBTI*, AGING & CARE specialist centre uses its extensive experience to address specific questions from older gay and bisexual men. Its expertise supports this target group in leading a fulfilled and self-confident life in old age. Important topics such as coming out in old age, sexuality and poverty in old age are the focus of our counselling sessions.

Our cooperation is characterised by regular exchange and participation in a variety of online and discussion formats, which enables a dynamic and up-to-date exchange of information and the adaptation of our services. Gay Counselling Berlin also awards the "Lebensort Vielfalt®" seal of quality to care facilities and outpatient services throughout Germany. This seal recognises facilities that are particularly committed to the protection of LGBTI* people and against discrimination. This certification is also recognised as an important qualification on our Queer Care platform and is specially marked.

Queer Care | German AIDS Service Organisation

Together for health and dignity German AIDS service organisation

In our partnership with Deutsche Aidshilfe, we work together to promote the health and well-being of LGBTIQ* people. Deutsche Aidshilfe brings its extensive expertise and deep understanding of the specific health needs of the community to our collaboration.

This collaboration enables us to provide high-quality education and support services focussed on prevention, treatment and education around HIV/AIDS and other health-related issues. Our joint projects and initiatives aim to raise awareness and counteract discrimination in the healthcare sector.

One example of our collaboration is the "HIV and psyche" training series organised by Deutsche Aidshilfe, which strengthens resilience in the community through training. This year's meetings focussed on current challenges and promoted important discussions about inclusion. Deutsche Aidshilfe supports us in ensuring that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, have access to quality healthcare services.

Queer Pflege | Fachstelle für pflegende Angehörige

Fachstelle für Pflegende Angehörige

Mit der Fachstelle für pflegende Angehörige (die natürlich auch für Zugehörige und Wahlfamilienmitglieder da ist, hat Queer-Pflege einen weiteren starken Kooperationspartner an seiner Seite, der sich für die Belange pflegender An- und Zugehöriger in Berlin einsetzt. Die Fachstelle fügt als zentrales Bindeglied die vielfältigen Angebote der Berliner Pflege- und Unterstützungslandschaft zu einem übersichtlichen System zusammen und bietet Orientierung für alle Beteiligten.

Ein besonderer Fokus der Fachstelle liegt darauf, die Vielfalt der Pflegesituationen sichtbar zu machen und die Bedürfnisse pflegender An- und Zugehöriger in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Über 230.000 Menschen in Berlin, die einen nahestehenden Menschen pflegen, erfahren durch die Arbeit der Fachstelle Unterstützung und Anerkennung. Mit ihrem Engagement trägt die Fachstelle dazu bei, das Verständnis für die Herausforderungen der informellen Pflege zu stärken und den Zugang zu Entlastungs- und Unterstützungsangeboten zu erleichtern.

Unsere Kooperation mit der Fachstelle ist geprägt von einem regelmäßigen fachlichen Austausch und der gemeinsamen Zielsetzung, pflegende An- und Zugehörige sichtbarer zu machen und die Anerkennungskultur der informellen Pflege weiter auszubauen.

Auf Queer-Pflege wollen wir auch die Arbeit der Fachstelle sichtbar machen und damit dazu beitragen, dass pflegende An- und Zugehörige die ihnen zustehende Wertschätzung und Unterstützung erfahren.

Queer Care | Aidshilfe Hamburg

AIDS service organisation Hamburg Dietrich visiting project

We are delighted to be working with Aidshilfe Hamburg and the "Dietrich" visiting project. This project is dedicated to leisure activities for older gay men and therefore ideally complements our services for older gay men in need of care. Volunteers, both from the LGBTIQ+ community and heterosexual supporters, offer qualified activities that are supervised by experienced psychologists. This cooperation allows us to share our expertise and experiences and learn from each other. Together, we are committed to bringing about positive change and promoting the well-being of our community. We look forward to deepening this collaboration and achieving our common goals.
Queer Care | Aidshilfe NRW e.V.

Together we are strong! AIDS service organisation NRW

The collaboration between and Aidshilfe Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. is exemplary of our commitment to improving the quality of life of LGBTIQ+ people in need of care and actively combating HIV/AIDS. is committed to ensuring that queer senior citizens and people in need of care receive the best possible care in a supportive and non-discriminatory environment.

The good networking with Aidshilfe NRW, an organisation deeply rooted in HIV/AIDS prevention and aid, expands the spectrum of expertise and makes it possible to respond even better to the special challenges. Aidshilfe contributes decades of experience in educational work and patient care.

The cooperation strengthens our aim of not only supporting older queer people and those in need of care, but also enabling them to lead a self-determined and fulfilling life.

Queer Care | QueerWeg - Association for Thuringia

Diversity of life: QueerWay Association for Thuringia

Over the years, "Vielfalt Leben - QueerWeg Verein für Thüringen" has developed into a central point of contact for queer issues in Thuringia. Its tireless commitment to the rights and well-being of LGBTIQ+ people has contributed significantly to the development of an inclusive society.

By working together with the association, we want to create synergies and further expand our services and offers, which are specifically tailored to the needs of queer people in Thuringia.

This step is an essential part of our mission to offer queer people the best possible support at every stage of their lives. We are convinced that the partnership with "Vielfalt Leben - QueerWeg Verein für Thüringen" will enable us to offer this support on an even larger scale.

Together we are working towards a better and more diverse future!

Why a Co-operation?

Access to expert knowledge

By working together with a queer care network, expert knowledge and experience in the field of diversity-sensitive care can be exchanged.

Improved supply

By exchanging knowledge and experience, new ideas and concepts can be developed to optimise care for LGBTQI* and adapt it to individual needs.

Increasing the range

The level of awareness and visibility in the queer community can be increased. This can help to offer more targeted help and strengthen trust.

Promoting innovation

The combination of different perspectives and experiences promotes creative solutions and innovations that would be difficult to realise without cooperation.

Press kit download

We would like to thank everyone who has supported us up to this point and who has taken the time to talk to us about our initiative and to address and deal with the topic of queer-sensitive care. 

Thank you!!! We have attached a press kit which contains the first information, images and logos that are authorised for use. 

For press enquiries and further information please contact
Andreas Schütz directly by e-mail:

Binder (press): is a Berlin-based initiative founded in 2022 that has set itself the task of improving the situation for queer people in need of care and their relatives and family members of choice in Germany. At its heart is Germany's most comprehensive online directory for LGBTIQ+ sensitive care support, counselling services and educational work. In this way, the non-profit organisation builds a bridge between the LGBTIQ+ community and diversity-sensitive care providers. The aim is to create a non-discriminatory space in which queer senior citizens feel safe and accepted. The initiative is run on a voluntary basis by founder Andreas Schütz and welcomes further support.

We are only one Message removed.

We look forward to new collaborations and are always open to suggestions and enquiries. If you work in the care sector and can imagine working with us, please send us a message.