QueerCheck in the healthcare system - promoting queer sensitivity in acute inpatient healthcare

QueerPflege-LSBTIQ-Pflege Eine verschwommene Farbverlaufskugel wechselt von Blau zu Rosa und Orange und erzeugt so einen weichen, leuchtenden und abstrakten Hintergrund – eine Atmosphäre, die die integrative Essenz der queersensiblen Pflege für LGBTQ+ Senioren widerspiegelt.

Dear readers,

This checklist was developed to record and promote queer sensitivity in acute inpatient facilities. The publication appeared in Pflegezeitschrift in December 2023 and is based on the work of Nina Telser, Nina Eck, Anna Kircher, Laura Winter and Prof Dr Annette Riedel from Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

Background and necessity

The LGBTQIA+ community faces particular challenges in the healthcare system. Queer patients are often a vulnerable group whose specific needs are given little consideration in acute inpatient healthcare. Studies show that queer people delay hospitalisation due to inadequate care, which affects their health and quality of life. The reasons for this are a lack of knowledge, a lack of concepts and discriminatory behaviour by healthcare providers.

Development and structure of QueerCheck

QueerCheck was developed on the basis of the Knowledge-to-Action Framework and serves as a supporting tool to promote queer-sensitive structures in inpatient acute care facilities. The checklist consists of four main aspects:

  1. Meeting with patients
  2. Dealing with employees
  3. Values
  4. Infrastructure

Each aspect comprises specific items that should be assessed and implemented in the facility. QueerCheck makes it possible to recognise existing resources and initiate change processes that take into account the needs and wishes of queer patients.

Application of QueerCheck

QueerCheck can be used at the start of a project to promote queer sensitivity and at regular intervals. It is used to take stock, plan specific measures, support the process and evaluate the achievement of objectives. Detailed instructions for use are contained in the procedural instructions. Items that are labelled as "not present" initiate a need for action until they can be marked as "present" during a re-evaluation.

Key factors for a successful application

  • Training and onboardingRegular training for employees and the integration of queer training into the onboarding process are essential.
  • Queer expertsAt least one contact person for queer issues should be available in every organisation.
  • Patient-centred informationProvision of information material on contact points for queer experts.
  • Respect and inclusionThe gender and sexual self-identification of all persons must be respected and taken into account in communication.
  • InfrastructureGender-neutral changing rooms, patient rooms and toilets should be available.


QueerCheck is an important tool for promoting queer sensitivity in acute inpatient facilities. It enables the structured recording and implementation of queer-sensitive measures that improve the healthcare and well-being of queer patients. The continuous updating and application of QueerCheck can help to ensure inclusive and non-discriminatory healthcare.

For more information and the checklist, please visit: QueerCheck in the healthcare sector.

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Andreas from Queer Care
My name is Andreas and I live and work in Berlin. As a care counsellor, I get to know many people who are either in need of care themselves, care for relatives or work in the care sector. People often tell me how difficult it is to navigate the world of care as a queer person. With my experience as a social insurance employee, I help queer people in care on a voluntary basis to find information and support.
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